LIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEO

LIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEO

LIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark

deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmar

k deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in t

he United States

LIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a majo

r TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcin

g a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United States

LIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ouste

d as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massiv

e landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the U

nited StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United States

LIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark

deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just

hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United States

LIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe

post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV

Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg N

orman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces mas

sive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in th

e United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe

post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just

hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf ann

ounces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces ma

ssive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a b

ang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United States

LIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf anno

unces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV

Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announ

ces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe pos


Ut-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the U

nited StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe po

st-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massi

ve landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the

United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV

Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announci

ng a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Nor

man ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major T

V deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United StatesLIV Golf announces massive landmark deal just hours after Greg Norman ousted as CEOThe post-Greg Norman era for LIV Golf has started with a bang, announcing a major TV deal in the United States


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